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How many more Tabrez will be killed ?

It's not even more than a month that the families of Pehlu Khan, killed by the Hindu terrorists in Rajasthan, went shocked and heartbroken after the district administration of Alwar, Rajasthan had withdrawn the perpetrators name from the chargesheet, then comes another heartbreaking news that the district administration of Seraikela District in Jharkhand has withdrawn the perpetrators name from the chargesheet and giving the heinous crime a different story, where Tabrez Ansari (24) was lynched by a Hindu terror mob and finally killed in the Police station. Basically this is the New India where minorities are being killed in the broad daylight. The administrations across the country have been supporting these Hindu terrorists who're targeting innocent Muslims, Dalits Sikhs and Adivasis.

“Based on the (second) report, we have converted the murder charge (Section 302 of the IPC) into culpable homicide not amounting to murder (Section 304) as the post-mortem concluded that Tabrez died of cardiac arrest,” the District Superintendent of police said.

Tabrez had been targeted by a mob on June 17 after being suspected of being involved in a motorbike theft. In a video that went viral on internet, the mob is seen hitting him repeatedly and forcing him to chant “Jai Shri Ram”, "Jai Hanuman", "Bharat Maata Ki Jai" etc. He died in hospital four days later. Of the 13 accused named in the FIR, two are still absconding.

The Jharkhand Police have reportedly watered down the charges against those accused of lynching Tabrez Ansari in Seraikela district about four months ago.
Eleven persons, against whom charge sheets have been filed for beating Tabrez, a 24-year-old man, to death, will be facing trial under Section 304 of IPC, which is culpable homicide not amounting to murder, instead of murder charges under Section 302.

In April this year, Tabrez, who was working as a welder in Pune, had returned to his village Kadamdia, 15 km from the district headquarters town of Seraikela, for his marriage. On April 27, his marriage was solemnised with Sahista Pervez, 19. The couple would have returned to Pune in a few days..But on June 17 night, a few people of Dhatkidih village, a few kilometres from his house, caught hold of him and branded him a thief. He was beaten up by a mob through the night and forced to chant ‘Jai Hanuman and Jai Sriram’. On June 22, he succumbed to injuries.
It's a clear picture which shows that Tabrez was not given proper medical attention in time by the Police constables because the time when he's taken to the Police Station his condition wasn't that much critical. One of the most disappointing things is that Police didn't handcuffed the perpetrators but the innocent, critically injured Tabrez who should have been admitted to a Hospital.

It's not the Akhlaqs, or the Afrazuls, or the Tabrezs, or the Junaids who've been tortured, killed; but it's the Humanity which is being rubbed. Still the Govt. isn't aware of the situations where it'll not the Minorities only who'll be affected, it's our Brotherhood, nationhood, our economy, our tourism everything will be affected by these terrorist activities which are not only being ignored but openly incited, promoted by the Politicians across the country. Come out of the shelter because you or I aren't safe here. Who knows who's next?


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প্ৰবন্ধটো লিখিবলৈ কিছু সাহস গোটাব লাগিল, অতি জাতীয়তাবাদী নেতা, পালিনেতা, বুদ্ধিজীৱি, চিন্তক, সমালোচক আৰু হিন্দু ৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ সপোনত বিভোৰ হিন্দুত্ববাদী চিন্তাধাৰাৰে পৰিচালিত সকলোৱে মোৰ প্ৰবন্ধটো পঢ়ি উঠি মন্তব্য দিব। এন আৰ চি বিষয়টো প্ৰথম অৱস্থাত ইমান জটিল যেন লগা নাছিল যদিও শেষলৈ বহু জটিলতাৰে আগবাঢ়িও কৰবাত থমকি ৰব যেন লাগিব ধৰিছে। বিশেষকৈ জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ বাবে থকা বিশেষ ৰাজ্যৰ মৰ্যাদা বিলুপ্ত হোৱাৰ পিছত এয়া স্পষ্ট হৈ পৰিছে। উল্লেখ্য উক্ত সিদ্ধান্তটো ঐতিহাসিক যদিও ইয়াক কাৰ্য্যকৰী কৰাৰ পদ্ধতিটো চিৰদিনৰ বাবে সন্দেহৰ আৱৰ্তত থাকিব আৰু সদায় এটা প্ৰশ্নৰ উদ্ভৱ হব- যদি আমি জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ মাটি, পানী, বায়ু আৰু জনগণক ভালপাওঁ‌, সিহঁতৰ ওপৰত বিশ্বাস আছে তেতিয়াহ'লে কিয় সিহঁতৰ ওজৰ, আপত্তি, মতামতক এবাৰো শুনা নহ'ল কিয়? কিয় সিহঁ‌তক গৃহবন্দী কৰি ৰাখি, সকলো মন্ত্ৰী, বিধায়ক আৰু আন নিৰ্বাচিত প্ৰতিনিধিক আৱদ্ধ কৰি ৰাখি ইমান গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ পদক্ষেপ লোৱাটো কেতিয়াও প্ৰশংসনীয় হ'ব নোৱাৰে। কিন্তু অসমৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় নাগৰিক পঞ্জীৰ সৈতে এই বিষয়টোক জড়িত কৰাৰ মূল কাৰণটো খুবেই সাধাৰণ। নাগৰিকত্ব সংশোধনী বিধেয়কৰ গৃহীত ...

কোন আপোন, কোন পৰ?

এই যে মানুহবোৰে দৌৰিছে এমুঠি খাদ্য বিচাৰি, প্ৰকৃতিৰ ধ্বংসলীলাৰ পৰা নহয়, আশ্ৰয় বিচাৰিছে মানুহে  মানুহৰ অত্যাচাৰৰ পৰা। ভয়, শংকা আৰু হতাশাত মৃতপ্ৰায় হৈছে সিহঁত। কোনে দৌৰাইছে সিহঁতক? কিয় দৌৰাইছে নাইবা সিহঁতেই বা কিয় দৌৰিছে দিন ৰাতি এক কৰি মাটি বাৰী সন্তান সন্ততি এৰি? কোনোবাই বুজি পাইছে নে? মই হ'লে একোৱেই বুজি পোৱা নাই কাৰণ মই বুজি নাপাও ৰাজনীতিৰ মেৰপেচ, বুজি নাপাও সীমান্তৰ কাইটীয়া তাৰৰ বেৰ, নাইবা বুজি নাপাও মই, সীমান্তৰ সিপাৰৰ মানুহৰ আৱেগ! মোক শিকোৱা হৈছে তেনেদৰে। সিহঁত মোৰ শত্ৰু, দেশৰ ভাবুকি কিন্তু মইতো কোনো দিন লগ পোৱা নাই সিহঁতক সিহঁতেনো মোক কিয় মাৰিব; নাইবা ময়েই বা কিয় মাৰিম সিহঁতক? কোনে সাজিছে এই সীমাৰেখাবোৰ? মইতো সজা নাই! মোৰ দেউতা, তাৰ পূৰ্বপুৰুষেও তো সজা নাছিল সেইবোৰ আৰু শুনিছো ঈশ্বৰেও সজা নাছিল তেনেকুৱা একোৱেই, তেন্তে কোনে আৰু কিয় সজাইছে সেইবোৰ? ঈশ্বৰে আদমক পৃথিৱীলৈ খেদিছিল ঠিকেই কিন্তু তেওঁতো কোনো অত্যাচাৰী পুৰুষ নাছিল যে তাৰ অধীনস্থ সকলক দমন কৰিবলৈ , তেওঁৰ দৰে মানুহে সাজিব তেনেকুৱা সীমান্তবোৰ! নাইবা কথাটো এনেকুৱাও হয় যে  ...

Justice in Modi's New India

India has already become a Nation which is globally known as a Nation of Hatred and Injustice today. In the recent past, specifically since Narendra Modi has become the Prime Minister of the India, the democratic republic in the world, is losing it's reputation as one of the most prosperous, glorious, culturally diverse heritage and history, India is nowhere to possess that Identity, as it had been known as one of a very few Countries for it's unity in diversity. In India, billions of people from different caste, creed, religion, faith, language, tradition have been living, working in harmony, cooperating each other.  But two of the latest verdicts both of which have come in August, 2019 under Modi regime will be enough for you to know the truth about Modi's new India. Case #1.    Verdict on 14/08/2019 Two years after Haryana dairy farmer Pehlu Khan was allegedly lynched by a mob of cow vigilantes on the Jaipur-Delhi National Highway, a sessions court in Alwar o...