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Hate crime against Muslims, Vadodara, Gujarat.

A police constable was beaten on Friday evening in Vadodara city allegedly by the religious hardliners of the majority community.
Sanjay Kharat, DCP, Zone-3 of Vadodara City informed on Saturday that an FIR has been registered. “We have taken cognisance of the matter…we are investigating,” said Kharat. However, he had no idea about the arrests made in the case.
The victim, Arif Ismail Shaikh (44), said that he was attacked without any provocation when he was travelling back to home at around 8.30 pm. “I made a mistake by not covering my face this time,” said Shaikh, adding that he usually covers his face while stepping out of his home. Shaikh is a constable with the Gujarat Police.
The FIR was registered under Sections 323, 143, 147, 504 and 506 (2) of the IPC. In his complaint, Shaikh said: “As I was heading back to my home after concluding my day duty scheduled at Pratapnagar headquarters, an unknown young person crossing the road near Shiv Shakti Mohalla locality waved his hand to me. After I asked him calmly to cross the road, he came towards me and started addressing me with the words targeting my religion.”

Attackers threw derogatory comments related to his physical look, “Oh, Bodeya!” and “Oh, Muslim!” The road rage further took a communal shape. “Five to seven persons from a nearby settlement, adjacent to petrol pump, joined him and they all continued beating me. They pulled me by beard. I was punched in face and they tried to strangle me,” the FIR read. According to the complainant, the attackers said: “Aav fatko aaje ane patavi daiye (Let’s finish this person today),” and “Miya bao fati gaya chho (Muslims have forgot their limits)”.
He said that the attackers took his wallet away and disappeared from there as “conscious people” rushed to save him from the attackers. The attackers are said to be instigated by Shaikh’s Muslim appearance, i.e. his beard or Lihyah.
The FIR was registered after hours of tussle. A lawyer, who was present at the Panigate police station, told on the condition of anonymity that the officers at the station were initially reluctant to register the complaint in detail against the accused. He alleged, “The police writer was trying his best to simplify the incident, thus, to make it sound like a common quarrel or fight,”. He further added that “the simplification of it would omit the communal colour the attack, helping the accused to go away easily”. “It is a case of mob attack and hate crime. Also, it does invoke some special sections of IPC for hurting religious sentiments,” he said. “It was sad to see ‘one of them’[referring to Arif] being treated differently by their own system and people,” he said referring to the police apathy.
Dozens of people gathered outside the police station told that the local news agency declined to run this story when approached.
Leading English and Gujarati newspapers in the city too have avoided giving it any space.
“While it is not for the first time Vadodara has experienced the public hatred for minority, the attack on a Muslim police officer shows how extreme the display of Islamophobia could be. This attack would further degrade the faith Muslims maintained in spite of all odds in the state’s law-and-order machinery,” told a local social activist.
He reached home at 2 am after being treated at the hospital. He returned to his duty on Saturday. He refused to comment anything on the incident right now.


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প্ৰবন্ধটো লিখিবলৈ কিছু সাহস গোটাব লাগিল, অতি জাতীয়তাবাদী নেতা, পালিনেতা, বুদ্ধিজীৱি, চিন্তক, সমালোচক আৰু হিন্দু ৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ সপোনত বিভোৰ হিন্দুত্ববাদী চিন্তাধাৰাৰে পৰিচালিত সকলোৱে মোৰ প্ৰবন্ধটো পঢ়ি উঠি মন্তব্য দিব। এন আৰ চি বিষয়টো প্ৰথম অৱস্থাত ইমান জটিল যেন লগা নাছিল যদিও শেষলৈ বহু জটিলতাৰে আগবাঢ়িও কৰবাত থমকি ৰব যেন লাগিব ধৰিছে। বিশেষকৈ জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ বাবে থকা বিশেষ ৰাজ্যৰ মৰ্যাদা বিলুপ্ত হোৱাৰ পিছত এয়া স্পষ্ট হৈ পৰিছে। উল্লেখ্য উক্ত সিদ্ধান্তটো ঐতিহাসিক যদিও ইয়াক কাৰ্য্যকৰী কৰাৰ পদ্ধতিটো চিৰদিনৰ বাবে সন্দেহৰ আৱৰ্তত থাকিব আৰু সদায় এটা প্ৰশ্নৰ উদ্ভৱ হব- যদি আমি জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ মাটি, পানী, বায়ু আৰু জনগণক ভালপাওঁ‌, সিহঁতৰ ওপৰত বিশ্বাস আছে তেতিয়াহ'লে কিয় সিহঁতৰ ওজৰ, আপত্তি, মতামতক এবাৰো শুনা নহ'ল কিয়? কিয় সিহঁ‌তক গৃহবন্দী কৰি ৰাখি, সকলো মন্ত্ৰী, বিধায়ক আৰু আন নিৰ্বাচিত প্ৰতিনিধিক আৱদ্ধ কৰি ৰাখি ইমান গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ পদক্ষেপ লোৱাটো কেতিয়াও প্ৰশংসনীয় হ'ব নোৱাৰে। কিন্তু অসমৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় নাগৰিক পঞ্জীৰ সৈতে এই বিষয়টোক জড়িত কৰাৰ মূল কাৰণটো খুবেই সাধাৰণ। নাগৰিকত্ব সংশোধনী বিধেয়কৰ গৃহীত ...

কোন আপোন, কোন পৰ?

এই যে মানুহবোৰে দৌৰিছে এমুঠি খাদ্য বিচাৰি, প্ৰকৃতিৰ ধ্বংসলীলাৰ পৰা নহয়, আশ্ৰয় বিচাৰিছে মানুহে  মানুহৰ অত্যাচাৰৰ পৰা। ভয়, শংকা আৰু হতাশাত মৃতপ্ৰায় হৈছে সিহঁত। কোনে দৌৰাইছে সিহঁতক? কিয় দৌৰাইছে নাইবা সিহঁতেই বা কিয় দৌৰিছে দিন ৰাতি এক কৰি মাটি বাৰী সন্তান সন্ততি এৰি? কোনোবাই বুজি পাইছে নে? মই হ'লে একোৱেই বুজি পোৱা নাই কাৰণ মই বুজি নাপাও ৰাজনীতিৰ মেৰপেচ, বুজি নাপাও সীমান্তৰ কাইটীয়া তাৰৰ বেৰ, নাইবা বুজি নাপাও মই, সীমান্তৰ সিপাৰৰ মানুহৰ আৱেগ! মোক শিকোৱা হৈছে তেনেদৰে। সিহঁত মোৰ শত্ৰু, দেশৰ ভাবুকি কিন্তু মইতো কোনো দিন লগ পোৱা নাই সিহঁতক সিহঁতেনো মোক কিয় মাৰিব; নাইবা ময়েই বা কিয় মাৰিম সিহঁতক? কোনে সাজিছে এই সীমাৰেখাবোৰ? মইতো সজা নাই! মোৰ দেউতা, তাৰ পূৰ্বপুৰুষেও তো সজা নাছিল সেইবোৰ আৰু শুনিছো ঈশ্বৰেও সজা নাছিল তেনেকুৱা একোৱেই, তেন্তে কোনে আৰু কিয় সজাইছে সেইবোৰ? ঈশ্বৰে আদমক পৃথিৱীলৈ খেদিছিল ঠিকেই কিন্তু তেওঁতো কোনো অত্যাচাৰী পুৰুষ নাছিল যে তাৰ অধীনস্থ সকলক দমন কৰিবলৈ , তেওঁৰ দৰে মানুহে সাজিব তেনেকুৱা সীমান্তবোৰ! নাইবা কথাটো এনেকুৱাও হয় যে  ...

Justice in Modi's New India

India has already become a Nation which is globally known as a Nation of Hatred and Injustice today. In the recent past, specifically since Narendra Modi has become the Prime Minister of the India, the democratic republic in the world, is losing it's reputation as one of the most prosperous, glorious, culturally diverse heritage and history, India is nowhere to possess that Identity, as it had been known as one of a very few Countries for it's unity in diversity. In India, billions of people from different caste, creed, religion, faith, language, tradition have been living, working in harmony, cooperating each other.  But two of the latest verdicts both of which have come in August, 2019 under Modi regime will be enough for you to know the truth about Modi's new India. Case #1.    Verdict on 14/08/2019 Two years after Haryana dairy farmer Pehlu Khan was allegedly lynched by a mob of cow vigilantes on the Jaipur-Delhi National Highway, a sessions court in Alwar o...