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Resignation of Kannan Gopinathan and silence of Godi media

A 33-year-old Indian Administrative Service officer said he has filed his papers to quit the coveted government job. While stating his reasons, IAS officer Kannan Gopinathan who joined the service in 2012 after securing the 59th rank in the 2012 civil services exam, said one of them was denial of "fundamental rights" to lakhs of people in Jammu and Kashmir for weeks after special status was scrapped from the state earlier this month.

"...Not that my resignation will cause anything even worth a flutter. But one has one's own conscience to answer to, I guess," Mr Gopinathan told.

Mr Gopinathan, a secretary of key departments in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, was instrumental in transforming a loss-making government electricity distribution firm into a profit-making one."

In (Jammu and) Kashmir, fundamental rights of lakhs of people have been suspended for 20 days. And many in India seem to be okay with it. This is happening in India in 2019. Article 370 or its abrogation is not the issue, but denying citizens their right to respond to it, is the main issue. They could welcome the move or protest it, that's their right," Mr Gopinathan told, adding this issue "disturbed" him enough to resign.
An IAS officer for seven years, Mr Gopinathan gave his resignation on August 21."

Even when a former IAS officer was detained from the airport, there was a complete lack of response from civil society. It seems like most in this country are okay with this," said Mr Gopinathan, referring to how IAS officer-turned-activist Shah Faesal was sent back to Srinagar from Delhi airport while he was about to take a flight abroad.

In Mizoram, the IAS officer encouraged badminton player Pullela Gopichand to open 30 grassroots centres for training children in badminton and a high-altitude centre of excellence for sports while Mr Gopinathan was a collector.

Mr Gopinathan said he has received memos over reasons like not applying for the Prime Minister's excellence awards, which he said he did after getting directions to do so. Another memo asked for a summary of what he did when he had volunteered for flood relief work in Kerala in 2018. Relief workers were surprised to discover that the IAS officer had been volunteering at camps without anyone knowing his official identity.

"These memos were so frivolous and flimsy, they disturbed me. But it's nothing out of the ordinary in service life. I have been serving in some crucial roles even at a time when I gave my resignation. And I felt there are larger issues that need to be raised," Mr Gopinathan told.

In this year's Lok Sabha election, when Mr Gopinathan was the returning officer, the Chief Electoral Officer had ordered the administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, a Union Territory, to withdraw a controversial notice which he had issued to Mr Gopinathan and sought an explanation from the officer.

Mr Gopinathan, who is also an engineer, is active on social media; he uses the medium to engage, ideate and seek alternate solutions in real-time. Before qualifying for the IAS, he volunteered at a non-profit and gave classes to children in slums. It was during this time that he met his future wife, who he said inspired him to prepare for the civil services.

When the entire Nation is going through economic crisis, facing various challenges and most unfortunately the people are fearing, hiding, and silently watching all these dramas Kannan Gopinathan's resignation will create something better. But, as long as the mainstream media remains biased and keep their propaganda up, nothing will be changed. Now, it's us, who can make it large, must come out to join him. Hope this will be a beginning for a better India, a corruption free, economically strong Nation, where people can speak louder. Let's speak louder!


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প্ৰবন্ধটো লিখিবলৈ কিছু সাহস গোটাব লাগিল, অতি জাতীয়তাবাদী নেতা, পালিনেতা, বুদ্ধিজীৱি, চিন্তক, সমালোচক আৰু হিন্দু ৰাষ্ট্ৰৰ সপোনত বিভোৰ হিন্দুত্ববাদী চিন্তাধাৰাৰে পৰিচালিত সকলোৱে মোৰ প্ৰবন্ধটো পঢ়ি উঠি মন্তব্য দিব। এন আৰ চি বিষয়টো প্ৰথম অৱস্থাত ইমান জটিল যেন লগা নাছিল যদিও শেষলৈ বহু জটিলতাৰে আগবাঢ়িও কৰবাত থমকি ৰব যেন লাগিব ধৰিছে। বিশেষকৈ জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ বাবে থকা বিশেষ ৰাজ্যৰ মৰ্যাদা বিলুপ্ত হোৱাৰ পিছত এয়া স্পষ্ট হৈ পৰিছে। উল্লেখ্য উক্ত সিদ্ধান্তটো ঐতিহাসিক যদিও ইয়াক কাৰ্য্যকৰী কৰাৰ পদ্ধতিটো চিৰদিনৰ বাবে সন্দেহৰ আৱৰ্তত থাকিব আৰু সদায় এটা প্ৰশ্নৰ উদ্ভৱ হব- যদি আমি জম্মু আৰু কাশ্মীৰৰ মাটি, পানী, বায়ু আৰু জনগণক ভালপাওঁ‌, সিহঁতৰ ওপৰত বিশ্বাস আছে তেতিয়াহ'লে কিয় সিহঁতৰ ওজৰ, আপত্তি, মতামতক এবাৰো শুনা নহ'ল কিয়? কিয় সিহঁ‌তক গৃহবন্দী কৰি ৰাখি, সকলো মন্ত্ৰী, বিধায়ক আৰু আন নিৰ্বাচিত প্ৰতিনিধিক আৱদ্ধ কৰি ৰাখি ইমান গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ পদক্ষেপ লোৱাটো কেতিয়াও প্ৰশংসনীয় হ'ব নোৱাৰে। কিন্তু অসমৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় নাগৰিক পঞ্জীৰ সৈতে এই বিষয়টোক জড়িত কৰাৰ মূল কাৰণটো খুবেই সাধাৰণ। নাগৰিকত্ব সংশোধনী বিধেয়কৰ গৃহীত ...

কোন আপোন, কোন পৰ?

এই যে মানুহবোৰে দৌৰিছে এমুঠি খাদ্য বিচাৰি, প্ৰকৃতিৰ ধ্বংসলীলাৰ পৰা নহয়, আশ্ৰয় বিচাৰিছে মানুহে  মানুহৰ অত্যাচাৰৰ পৰা। ভয়, শংকা আৰু হতাশাত মৃতপ্ৰায় হৈছে সিহঁত। কোনে দৌৰাইছে সিহঁতক? কিয় দৌৰাইছে নাইবা সিহঁতেই বা কিয় দৌৰিছে দিন ৰাতি এক কৰি মাটি বাৰী সন্তান সন্ততি এৰি? কোনোবাই বুজি পাইছে নে? মই হ'লে একোৱেই বুজি পোৱা নাই কাৰণ মই বুজি নাপাও ৰাজনীতিৰ মেৰপেচ, বুজি নাপাও সীমান্তৰ কাইটীয়া তাৰৰ বেৰ, নাইবা বুজি নাপাও মই, সীমান্তৰ সিপাৰৰ মানুহৰ আৱেগ! মোক শিকোৱা হৈছে তেনেদৰে। সিহঁত মোৰ শত্ৰু, দেশৰ ভাবুকি কিন্তু মইতো কোনো দিন লগ পোৱা নাই সিহঁতক সিহঁতেনো মোক কিয় মাৰিব; নাইবা ময়েই বা কিয় মাৰিম সিহঁতক? কোনে সাজিছে এই সীমাৰেখাবোৰ? মইতো সজা নাই! মোৰ দেউতা, তাৰ পূৰ্বপুৰুষেও তো সজা নাছিল সেইবোৰ আৰু শুনিছো ঈশ্বৰেও সজা নাছিল তেনেকুৱা একোৱেই, তেন্তে কোনে আৰু কিয় সজাইছে সেইবোৰ? ঈশ্বৰে আদমক পৃথিৱীলৈ খেদিছিল ঠিকেই কিন্তু তেওঁতো কোনো অত্যাচাৰী পুৰুষ নাছিল যে তাৰ অধীনস্থ সকলক দমন কৰিবলৈ , তেওঁৰ দৰে মানুহে সাজিব তেনেকুৱা সীমান্তবোৰ! নাইবা কথাটো এনেকুৱাও হয় যে  ...

Justice in Modi's New India

India has already become a Nation which is globally known as a Nation of Hatred and Injustice today. In the recent past, specifically since Narendra Modi has become the Prime Minister of the India, the democratic republic in the world, is losing it's reputation as one of the most prosperous, glorious, culturally diverse heritage and history, India is nowhere to possess that Identity, as it had been known as one of a very few Countries for it's unity in diversity. In India, billions of people from different caste, creed, religion, faith, language, tradition have been living, working in harmony, cooperating each other.  But two of the latest verdicts both of which have come in August, 2019 under Modi regime will be enough for you to know the truth about Modi's new India. Case #1.    Verdict on 14/08/2019 Two years after Haryana dairy farmer Pehlu Khan was allegedly lynched by a mob of cow vigilantes on the Jaipur-Delhi National Highway, a sessions court in Alwar o...