Today, after a long time discussion, debate and various verification final draft list of the National Register Citizen of India has been compiled, specifically in the state of Assam, after excluding 1.9 millions applicants from the draft out of more than 330 millions applicants, thanks to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India they can file an appeal in the Foreigners Tribunals in the state of Assam to prove their Citizenship. People of almost all political parties, student organizations and other non profit organizations so far have commented on this issue, with most of them praising the compilation and the complete process leaving few hate mongers and Politicians shocked. The most notable thing is that the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has provided 120 days to prove their Citizenship after filing a claim in the Foreigners Tribunals in the state of Assam. Yet, the Hindu organisations are criticising the Courts decision when they found that the declared figure of 1.9 millions people by the Hon'ble Supreme Court is no where nearer to their imaginative figures of 7-8 millions which they've had been thinking over the years.
Unfortunately, the poor people who followed almost every instructions issued by the Government as well as the Supreme Court are also among the left outs. Most of the excluded people are from Bengali speaking Hindus followed by the Muslims with a major percentage, though their exact numbers are yet to know. In Assam the state assembly elections have been fought on this issue for last 40 years which has reduced the growth rate, the development of the state. So, after completion of the NRC this issue was expected to be finished for ever but that seems to be uncertain. Thus, Politicians in the state as well as in the centre are trying to keep their issues, agendas up alive for which they can seek votes fooling majorities making this issue a Hindu-Muslim tool in the coming years. It was a setback to the ruling party as it was mostly the Hindus who've been left out from the draft as because they've been trying their best to appease Hindu community by showing sympathy for the Bengali speaking Hindus who have left bordering nation Bangladesh after it's independence from Pakistan promising their Citizenship.
Now most of the organisations are criticising the same Court to which they had been showing full respect and believe since the Chief Justice of India himself is an Assamese Hindu. I, personally, would like to request all those who've turned their faces just after seeing such a large number of Muslims inclusion to please visit those areas where you have doubts of large scale infiltration. You go to them, talk to them, embrace them. They are us, they love their motherland like all of us. From today onwards stop doubting their Citizenship or nationality. It's too much. Come out of the illusion, your propagandists false accusations and false data and see where we have been staying over last fourty years. We have hundreds of problems to solve like education, health, job, unemployment, flood, erosion, communication etc. We have low literacy rate, low GDP, low HDI rank, low MSP, more people are living under BPL, more serious health issues. Let’s come together and make a better Assam. Let’s put the full stop here.
Jai Aai Axom!
Jai Hind
Unfortunately, the poor people who followed almost every instructions issued by the Government as well as the Supreme Court are also among the left outs. Most of the excluded people are from Bengali speaking Hindus followed by the Muslims with a major percentage, though their exact numbers are yet to know. In Assam the state assembly elections have been fought on this issue for last 40 years which has reduced the growth rate, the development of the state. So, after completion of the NRC this issue was expected to be finished for ever but that seems to be uncertain. Thus, Politicians in the state as well as in the centre are trying to keep their issues, agendas up alive for which they can seek votes fooling majorities making this issue a Hindu-Muslim tool in the coming years. It was a setback to the ruling party as it was mostly the Hindus who've been left out from the draft as because they've been trying their best to appease Hindu community by showing sympathy for the Bengali speaking Hindus who have left bordering nation Bangladesh after it's independence from Pakistan promising their Citizenship.
Now most of the organisations are criticising the same Court to which they had been showing full respect and believe since the Chief Justice of India himself is an Assamese Hindu. I, personally, would like to request all those who've turned their faces just after seeing such a large number of Muslims inclusion to please visit those areas where you have doubts of large scale infiltration. You go to them, talk to them, embrace them. They are us, they love their motherland like all of us. From today onwards stop doubting their Citizenship or nationality. It's too much. Come out of the illusion, your propagandists false accusations and false data and see where we have been staying over last fourty years. We have hundreds of problems to solve like education, health, job, unemployment, flood, erosion, communication etc. We have low literacy rate, low GDP, low HDI rank, low MSP, more people are living under BPL, more serious health issues. Let’s come together and make a better Assam. Let’s put the full stop here.
Jai Aai Axom!
Jai Hind
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